Charlotte Scheffler née Metz

born on August 29, 1903 – died in Berlin on February 29, 1984
Charlotte Buxel, previous married name Scheffler, undated.

Charlotte Scheffler lived with her family in Berlin-Lichtenberg. From 1940 on, her husband Erich ran a hauling company where many Jewish people worked, including Lotte and Walter Heskel. In December 1942 the Schefflers hid the Jewish couple for several days after Walter Heskel had been arrested but managed to escape. They also housed a Jewish acquaintance and her son in their weekend house in Wandlitz and provided them with food. After two months, however, Anni and Werner Jacobsohn had to leave this hiding place, since the Scheffler family needed the weekend house themselves.
Later, they also helped a couple in a “mixed marriage.” Richard Kühnel, who was not Jewish, was summoned to a Gestapo interrogation in August 1944 and did not return. Four days later, Ella Kühnel received the news of her husband’s death and went into hiding with her son Joachim. They stayed with the Schefflers until February 1945 and then fled to Goslar with their help. After the Red Army’s arrival, Erich Scheffler was shot dead by Russian soldiers while to prevent his daughter’s rape.
