Jizchak Schwersenz

born in Berlin on May 30, 1915 – died in Berlin on June 1, 2005
Persecuted person and Helper
Jizchak Schwersenz, Berlin, September 28, 1941.

From 1933 Jizchak Schwersenz was active in Youth Alijah, an organization that worked to take young Jews to safety, mainly in Palestine, and to prepare them for life there. After attending Adass Jisroel Grammar School in Berlin and studying at a teaching college, Jizchak Schwersenz took his teaching examinations at the end of February 1939, qualifying him to teach “non-Aryan” students. He became the director of the Youth Alijah school in Berlin.
When Schwersenz was to be deported in August 1942, he went underground. Supported by Edith Wolff, in the spring of 1943 he gathered young Jewish people around him, including some of his former students and activists from the Zionist youth movement. The group called itself Chug Chaluzi (pioneers’ circle). About ten Jews formed the group’s core. Living in hiding, they discussed their religion and Zionist ideas. The members were united by a will to survive and emigrate together to Palestine. Most of the group members survived in hiding.
Jizchak Schwersenz himself managed to escape to Switzerland in February 1944. He later emigrated to Haifa, returning to Germany in 1989.
