Antonie Lieban née Asch

born in Berlin on February 18, 1888
Persecuted person
Antonie Lieban, undated.

Antonie Lieban lived in Berlin with her husband, the opera singer Adalbert Lieban. Threatened with deportation in September 1942, they went underground. They first found refuge with Margarete Draeger, a Jewish mathematics teacher. From December 1942, the Liebans were able to stay with their non-Jewish sister-in-law Madeleine Lieban.
When Madeleine Lieban’s apartment was bombed on January 30, 1944, all three of them moved to Wielandstraße 18. Antonie’s sister Margarete Asch was already hiding there with the building’s custodian, Otto Jogmin. Whereas Madeleine Lieban was officially registered there, Jogmin entered the Jewish Liebans in the building’s registration book under the name of Lüdeke. When the local police station was hit during an air raid, he officially registered the couple as “bomb-damaged.” That meant they received their own food ration cards. Jogmin hoped the registration documents had also been destroyed and the details could no longer be checked.
Antonie and Adalbert Lieban were arrested by the Gestapo in August 1944 and deported to Theresienstadt. They were liberated there on May 8, 1945.
